Clark Memories

Clark Memories

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Computer Literacy This Year

     So, this year in Computer Literacy, I learned a lot. I learned how to operate the advanced features of Microsoft Excel. I learned how to make a Microsoft PowerPoint, which will be important when I go to college. Finally, I learned how to operate Microsoft Word.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hey everyone! Now I'm sure some of you have heard of Shelfari. You can make friends, add books, and more! Check it out! My name is Silverfire their as well in case your wondering so add me :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

New glasses.

I got new glasses. So I'll show you what they look like.

New glasses.
Old glasses

<- Before glasses

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pretty Ponys

This is a female Dragon.

                                        This is a female Wishing Pony.
This is a male Wishing Pony.
                                                This is a female Earth.
This is a male Earth
                                            This is a male Fairy.
This is a female Fairy.
                                             This is a female Flutter.
This is a male Flutter.
                                     This is a male Kirin.
This is a female Kirin.
                                          This is a female Mer-dragon.
This is a male Mer-dragon.
                                                           This is a male Mer-pony.
This is a female Mer-pony.
                                            This is a female Pegasus.
This is a male Pegasus.
                                         This is a male Phoenix.
This is a female Phoenix.
                                                    This is a female Sea.
This is a male Sea.
                                                This is a male Shell.
This is a female Shell.
                                       This is a female Unicorn.

<- This is a male Unicorn.
                                               This is a male Dragon.
This is a male Valkyrie.
                       This is a male Winged Unicorn.

<-  This is a female Winged Unicorn.

                                                   This is a female Valkyrie.